Saturday, December 20, 2014

Te'e Timu Beach near with Water Source Citizens

If the other beaches are beautiful cliffs and palm trees that tempt the eye, then there is a difference Timu Te'e Beach. Besides having such beauty, beach located in the village of Kulati. This is apparently very close to the community water source. The water comes from inside the cave. A total of five points, each of which water is in the gravel pit that apparently has a name.

If you walk to the eastern end of the beach to Te'e Timu then 200 meters area there are a number of springs that have different functions. The spring has a function as a special drinking water for the surrounding community. Four other springs are used by residents for bathing and washing.

Most end of the cave was given a special name Te'e Wamakuni. Well, in this cave that has a quality water than others. Although water is used for showering and another, but water clarity is not the same as others.
Te'e Wamakuni located farthest never empty of visitors. However, to achieve the necessary patience, since it must pass through the rocks to get into it. Not a few of visitors who had berendan into the water to feel the coolness of the water cave Te'e Wamakuni. (P4)

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