Saturday, December 20, 2014

Dozen Unique of Ship House Complementary Beauty

In the first, known as the profession Tomia society as a sailor. Not without reason, marine natural resources owned by Wakatobi is very accurate invoked by citizens to make life decisions. A profession that is still connected to the berdomisli community in the southern region of Ecuador.

To complement its maritime profession, local people doing the boat that serves as a management tool in the search for marine products. After use, the canoes were not left alone, fishermen made the house so that the canoes were protected from heat and rain.

Boat house made of logs with thatched roof. Established with the position and size of the rows have almost the same model that seems unique and neat. The houses were also sometimes visitors observed objects when traveling on the beach Te'e Timu.

This beach almost every day wistawan visited both locals and tourists from outside the region. It was not only witness the beauty of its beaches, but a variety of other objects around the beach is also very steal the attention of visitors. Not surprisingly, this beach became one of the favorite tourist area in Wakatobi. (P4)

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