Friday, December 19, 2014

Tahura Murhum

Tahura Murhum also called Forest Park is located in mountainous areas Murhum-Nipa Nipa, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. Forest Park is in one of the area of nature conservation in Southeast Sulawesi. Tahura Murhum located in an area of 8,146 hectares, with an altitude of 500 m above sea level. By having the form of a flat topography, hills and mountains with 20-40% slope conditions.

In 1995, precisely on June 12, MenKehut decided Mountains Region-Nipa Nipa be Tahura Murhum by Ministerial Decree No. 289 / Kpts-11/95. The former Governor of Southeast Sulawesi in 1993 have also established a first region Nipa Nipa as Tahura Murhum by Decree No. 808 of 1993 dated December 6. Then replace the name Murhum-Nipa Nipa name taken from the name of the first Sultan of Buton.

Forest Park has a unique Murhum kendariTahura Murhum diverse, species of plants and animals to the charm of diverse natural beauty. Plants in Tahura Murhum include ironwood, bolo bolo-white, pandanus mats, EHA palm, willow. For other animal between different types of butterflies, dwarf buffalo, ferrets, sea eagles, raccoons and musk.

Tahura Murhum Sulawesi Being in a forest area, visitors will find a waterfall that can be used for bathing. Not far from the location of the waterfall, visitors can also see the historic sites bastion that is a relic of the Japanese colonial era. The combination of different types of plants, animals and historical sites and natural beauty make it a tourist attraction has a special attraction to be visited.

Facilities and Services
Around the area Tahura Marhum several restaurants and restaurants that have a variety of dishes. You can choose according to taste. If you want to stay in the vicinity of a tourist attraction, a range of hotel accommodation in Southeast Sulawesi, ranging from five-star motels. Such as Swiss-Belhotel Kendari Kendari hotel Zahra Sharia.

Attractions Tahura Murhum located in 3 districts, namely District Mandonga, Kendari District and District Soropia all of which are in the district of Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi.

If you are from Walter Airport Monginsidi should be directed to the Village Kemaraya then headed to the continent-continent Tipulu, Sodohoa, Gunung Jati and Mangga Dua public transport or private vehicles. From Mangga Dua get Tahura Marhum you have to walk through the path that is about 3.5 km and takes about 2 hours.

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