Friday, December 19, 2014

Old Mosque Mubarak

Old Mosque Mubarak people Liya is Buton Sultanate interference after Buton (Wolio) embraced Islam in 1500 ± 15 century to convert the Sultan of Buton SyekhAbdul Wahid first Murhum and sent to Wangi Wangi-Cleric and Oroho first arrived on the island, as Liya community the first settlement in 1401. scholars of Islamic teaching Oroho Island. People on the island Oroho Liya Togo moved into the area due to lack of water. And once you arrive at Liya Togo established mosques and this famous castle. 

Adhesives Foundation is made of crushed limestone mixed with a parasite in a tongue-shaped stone Wangi Wangi called "Tumbu'a" (dimples). This tool is still there in front of the mosque. Mubarak Mosque Foundation full size length 15.80 m, 15.70 m Width, Height 2:20 a.m., 13:50 am Duration Mosque Body Width Agency 13:35 Mosque m, length 1.85 m danlebar mosque mosque pulpit Pulpit 4:00 a.m..

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