Saturday, December 20, 2014

Te'e Timu Beach near with Water Source Citizens

If the other beaches are beautiful cliffs and palm trees that tempt the eye, then there is a difference Timu Te'e Beach. Besides having such beauty, beach located in the village of Kulati. This is apparently very close to the community water source. The water comes from inside the cave. A total of five points, each of which water is in the gravel pit that apparently has a name.

Dozen Unique of Ship House Complementary Beauty

In the first, known as the profession Tomia society as a sailor. Not without reason, marine natural resources owned by Wakatobi is very accurate invoked by citizens to make life decisions. A profession that is still connected to the berdomisli community in the southern region of Ecuador.

Te'e Timu Beach, Natural and Full of Charm

Wakatobi islands of Southeast Sulawesi Tourism is already well known for a long time, but officially been named a National Park by the Government of Indonesia in 1996. Along the underwater Wakatobi there are different types of coral reefs are multifaceted. It is not surprising if foreign and local tourists make the island as a destination for the trip. Not only the beauty, natural conditions are still natural also be a contributing factor to the island dreamed many tourists.

Friday, December 19, 2014

Tahura Murhum

Tahura Murhum also called Forest Park is located in mountainous areas Murhum-Nipa Nipa, Kendari, Southeast Sulawesi. Forest Park is in one of the area of nature conservation in Southeast Sulawesi. Tahura Murhum located in an area of 8,146 hectares, with an altitude of 500 m above sea level. By having the form of a flat topography, hills and mountains with 20-40% slope conditions.

Bente Mosque on Kaledupa Island

Wakatobi archipelago known by most of the population is Muslim, so do not be surprised if the old buildings of the mosque are there. In one of the largest islands in Wakatobi, Kaledupa precisely in the village there is the old mosque Ollo full of history and cultural significance.

Old Mosque Mubarak

Old Mosque Mubarak people Liya is Buton Sultanate interference after Buton (Wolio) embraced Islam in 1500 ± 15 century to convert the Sultan of Buton SyekhAbdul Wahid first Murhum and sent to Wangi Wangi-Cleric and Oroho first arrived on the island, as Liya community the first settlement in 1401. scholars of Islamic teaching Oroho Island. People on the island Oroho Liya Togo moved into the area due to lack of water. And once you arrive at Liya Togo established mosques and this famous castle. 

Keraton Mosque

This mosque was set in the environment Buton palace fortress In 1538 AD or 948 H with the first name Masigi Ogena Wolio during the reign of Sultan Buton fifth king Mulae. Characteristic of this architecture mosque has two meanings: the main room and the roof consists of two levels as a description of nature that is natural Sanghir 2 (world) and kabir Natural (Hereafter) and the walls of the mosque were made of walls permanent, strong devotion and faith.